
It’s true… the HOA industry has a problem — a bad, ugly, terrible, problem! — It’s not HOA boards run amok, or homeowner apathy. Nope… Most have a community association website problem. It’s so bad, but it really doesn't have to be, and we hope to shed some light on this problem. Nearly every time we talk to an HOA board/members and managers about their community website, the conversation usually goes something like this. “We just want a website that doesn’t look like it came out of the 90’s!”
So why is it, the average community association website is so ugly, outdated, cluttered, and difficult to navigate? Here’s the good, the bad, and the ugly of community association websites.

The Good

The good news about your ugly website is that not very many people have seen it. It’s website 101 — an ugly, outdated website will get very little traffic, and even less return traffic. Okay, that’s not really good news, but we had to think of something. Truthfully, there are a few affordable options available, but many boards don’t see a “quality” website as a priority. As a result, some communities don’t even bother with a website at all, while others give it little or no attention — simply knowing they have a website is good enough. 

The Bad

What makes a bad community association website? Residents have a certain level of expectation when it comes to technology, and the bar is continually rising. Blame Google – with their clean, simple interface that allows anyone with two thumbs to find almost anything instantly online. Regardless whose fault it is, homeowners expect better, and they won’t use it if it’s bad.
Here are the top three things that make a bad community website.

Too much information: 
Quite often the HOA website become a repository for everything HOA. Sometimes it’s dumped on the homepage and other times, important information is hidden in a link on a back page that even Sherlock Holmes couldn’t find. Good HOA sites should contain current HOA news, tools to contact the HOA and access essential community information and documents. With a quick Google search, a prospective home buyer just might land on your community website, and a good first impression could go a long way.

Outdated information: 
Outdated content is a website killer. Regardless of design, graphics and aesthetics, content is still king! A good HOA website should be both easy to navigate & update. We know the majority of neighborhoods are run by a volunteer board, with volunteer board members. We certainly see very few paid positions! Further, HOA boards don’t always have a web expert to oversee the site, so a simple, easy to navigate admin feature can be the key to keeping your website updated.

Difficult to navigate: 
A page here, a link there, 25 buttons with sub menus, etc, can be a real turnoff for the average homeowner. A website needs a simple structure that doesn’t change as new information is added. If a homeowner can’t find what they are looking for in just a few clicks, your site might be too difficult to navigate.

The Ugly

Your paying for it, and that's bad enough! We get it, you’re a board member, not a web designer. We also believe you don't want to throw away good money. Homeowners will spend more time on your site, and come back often if it is clean, simple and relatively attractive. Most homeowners want see basic updates, contact information, or make an HOA payment. So if your HOA/Management company is dropping $30/50 monthly on a useless site, and  if Constant Contact or the Mail Chimp monkey is stealing bananas from your budget for an email service, we can help! A total communications solution from Our Front Porch is more affordable than you think. Give us a call, or send us an email for more information...

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